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Hydroinformatics and Flood Forecasting Circle
পানি বিজ্ঞান তথ্য ও বন্যা পূর্বাভাস সার্কেল
Bangladesh Water Development Board

Chief Engineer, Hydrology

Major Activities under Chief Engineer, Hydrology

To provide supervision and technical guidance for:

  • Hydrological research, benchmark surveys and evaluation and other studies required by the country.
  • Qualitative and quantitative studies for optimum utilization of groundwater and development of guidelines for preparing hydrological and hydro-chemical reports.
  • Provision of information dissemination to other agencies.
  • Monitoring changes in morphological behavior in priority areas and its impact on erosion and bank stabilization.
  • Collection, processing, storing, publishing and making available data relating to floods, surface and groundwater, morphology, sedimentation and soil characteristics.
  • Provision of necessary support to WARPO for the National Water Resources Data Base (NWRD).
  • Institutional development and capacity building in hydrology through training and development of specialists in field measurements, processing and data analysis.
  • Provision of critical insight on drought and flood conditions and review of technical reports on water utilization.
  • Development of a modern flood forecasting and warning system and provision of early warning for flood.
  • To represent BWDB's viewpoints in inter-departmental/ inter-ministerial meetings on surface and groundwater resource utilization and national disaster activities.