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Hydroinformatics and Flood Forecasting Circle
পানি বিজ্ঞান তথ্য ও বন্যা পূর্বাভাস সার্কেল
Bangladesh Water Development Board

HFFC, Hydrology

Major Activities of Processing and Flood Forecasting

  • Analyze the hydrological, hydrogeological, morphological and hydro-meteorological data collected by field offices quality control and processing.
  • Manage real time data collection for flood forecasting purpose and timely dissemination of flood warning to different Ministries/ Organizations/ News media and NGO’s.
  • Maintain liaison with Ministry of Water Resources, Cabinet Division, Relief Ministry and the Office of the Prime Minister for briefing on flood situation in the country.
  • Publish Monthly Flood Report during the monsoon and Annual Flood Report after the monsoon. Publish monthly groundwater forecasting report.
  • Co-ordinate with different agencies on hydrological and hydro-meteorological studies, research and data management.
  • Develop and disseminate appropriate technologies for conjunctive use of rainwater, groundwater and surface water.
  • Prepare district and country wide hydro-geological maps.
  • Maintain and update water models and programs for monitoring and forecasting the hydrological conditions.
  • Maintain equipment, survey vessels, telemetering and wireless system, calibrating tank and field installations.
  • Collect real time hydrometric and telemetric data for running flood forecasting and inundation models under Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC).
  • Prepare warning bulletin on the basis of the model output and flood inundation maps integrating GIS and real time data.
  • Arrange acquisition of NOAA/GMS Satellite and Radar data and process, interpret and prepare necessary graphs.
  • Maintain Webpage on flood situation.
  • Maintain different equipment used for flood forecasting.