Registration Process has three following steps:
(*) Fields Must Be Filled Up
* Please Provide Valid Working Email Address. Otherwise we cannot communicate with you.
* Please Use At Lease 6 Characters Long Passwords. Do not Use Common or Widely Used Keywords as Password
* This registration process is for the people of Bangladesh only (Only Bangladeshi Residence are allowed to buy Hydrological Data)
* File size cannot be bigger than 5 MB.
* Upload National ID (Both side)/Passport Scan Copy as Proof of your identity
* If you're student,Please Scan Valid National ID & Student ID(both side),attach in one file & upload for identity
* .PDF/ MS Word/Image (.pdf/.doc/.docx/jpg/png/jpeg) Format Allowed.
* In case of Corporate User,Scan National Id & Company Profile, attach in one file and upload for identity.